Egg carton spider

Incy Wincy spider climbed up the spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
So Incy Wincy spider went up the spout again!

Egg carton spider

Paint the egg carton black

Paste a couple of eyes

Use a black pipe cleaner for the legs

Put a thread through it and you’ll have dangling spiders! 😀

Cool! 🙂


  1. itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout…..

    cute cute lah!

  2. May I ask how did you glue the pipe cleaner onto the spider body? I tried using normal glue which did not work. Then I use super clue, resulting all my fingers are stick with glue. Messy and frustrating coz the superglue could not come out from my fingers. 🙁

    Also, it is not easy to cut the egg carton. The carton box is SO HARD.

    • Merryn


      The secret is to apply some glue (of your choice) on the pipe cleaner and the egg carton and let them sit for a while. Once they are almost dry, then you put them together. This will guarantee a clean and hassle free way to stick those pipe cleaners 🙂

      Good luck!

  3. You are really creative and your son is so smart too! He is just 3 years old right? My daughter can’t even do all those stuff. i gotta start her off now!

    • Carolyn,

      😀 No hurry, the aim here is for them to have fun and learn a thing or two. It’s never the matter of time 🙂

  4. NCGirlScout

    How did you get the tread threw, or what did you use to make a hole?

    I’d like to know by tonight if you are online before then

    • NCGirlScout

      never mind, we used a push pin to make the holes,
      Thank you for posting this ?

      • Merryn

        Sorry for my slightly late reply 🙁

        I used needle and thread to poke the thread through… Thank you.

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